Getaway With 3M™

The ABCs of Fall Protection

With over 20,000 products designed for the specific needs of many industries with work at-height hazards, we can help find the combination of anchorages, body support and connector solutions to meet the requirements of many applications in the construction industry.

Powered Air Purifying Respirators

Powered Air Purifying respirators (PAPRs); include a blower that draws contaminated air through filter/s to remove contaminants, supplying purified air to the user wearing either an open head top (loose fitting hood) or tight-fitting facepiece.

In Focus: Keeping Workplaces Clean & Safe

Spill Crew ISOCLOTHS are anti-bacterial alcohol wipes used to disinfect hard surfaces that have already been cleaned or to remove any residue from previous cleaning products for a work-ready, sanitised surface.

How Choosing the Right Eye Protection Can Help Workers Achieve Comfort and Compliance

Protecting your eyes at work is critical. Your safety eyewear should be designed specifically to protect you in the field you work in and prevent you from any eye injuries whilst on-site. The protective eyewear models that have many features and benefits that not only help protect workers but can also increase the comfort level.