Championing Inclusivity: Tayla's mission to redefine Women's Workwear in the Mining Industry

Championing Inclusivity: Tayla's mission to redefine Women's Workwear in the Mining Industry

We reach out to loyal customer, Tayla the Commercial Procurement Lead at MLG and ask why workwear designed specifically for women is so important and how it impacts confidence, morale and productivity in the workplace.

Tayla has worked in the mining industry for nearly 8 years and has always been passionate about women in the mining industry, making her the perfect advocate for quality workwear, as well as closing the gender gap in what is still typically seen as a male dominated industry.

“Women go through many phases of life which impact us physically and while this may be a sensitive subject for some, it is pivotal to ensure women are supported and understood by their employers.” Says Tayla.

“Employers issuing correct workwear not only ensures that your female employees are safe and protected, but it also significantly improves their confidence and therefore productivity and morale. Women should not have to size up, or wear workwear that is branded as ‘fit for women’, but really designed for men or labelled as unisex. Workwear needs to be curated for the female body, to accommodate the different phases of life, as well as support a safe and productive workplace.”

Bisley Workwear is at the forefront of women’s workwear with their inclusive range of styles and options, which is one of the many reasons Tayla ensures it’s MLG’s workwear of choice for their female employees, through their partnership with Heatleys. MLG is quickly becoming one of the key employers of choice in the mining industry, especially for women. This is due to their inclusive nature that is cultivated through the values of integrity, innovation, accountability, teamwork and courage.

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